Welcome to my Website!

The last time I really liked working with html was when I was making neopets pages! I'm going to teach myself that again. Here's a link to Neocities: Neocities.

I'm going to relearn how to make bold text and italic text and a bunch of other text.

I'm going to put my own image:

I'm gonna getcha!!

And here's the next few things I need to relearn how to do:

Instead of the NeoCities tutorials, I'll go through this tutorial instead. It's cleaner and eaiser to follow along, especially because I have specific things I want to learn. Everything is a notebook is a diary is a monument is re-made every day.

- Do the fucking tutorial so we can get some placeholders and wireframes in this bitch
- Look up good tutorials for how to pixel/glitch-edit photos


I'm going to take two websites as my inspiration - ci and ko.
From both: Center main element under header surrounded by themed bullshit, two wings of discrete sections off to either side
From ci: aesthetic, also use her as a gateway to collections of other similar websites
from ko: layout, groupings, 'falling bullshit', tilted update scrollbar top left, eee the idea of inventories n shelves, cockeyed ui, also: outlook and earnestness. Don't get too wrapped up in trying to come off as effortless.

okay what I've been doing instead of learning html is looking through every neopets gif known to man, gathering them for graphical use. Gotta remember to put buttons about that. Then I went out to a bar and danced for the first time in my life, horribly, and knew how nice it felt, and how much nicer it would feel if it was a gay bar instead. then two beloved friends came over and spent the weekend. We saw RRR in theaters (for them, the first time). the next day, I learn too late that there was a pride holi party - we miss it completely, and I weep like a baby. we go into the city anyway, wearing white that stays white, and I spend too much fucking money at an anarchist bookstore which is worth it. then I will learn html



ahhh fuck fuck okay well. I did something else. but I'm coming back to add a note: 'beautiful star' we love katamari as (Autoplay???? lol real immersive??? you wanna remember??) page music. Think also tunes you remember loving so much. also look at Beyond Good and Evil, the first Psychonauts, Okami, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy 10 and 12, and for CERTAIN Samurai Champloo and Cowboy Bebop for different parts of the site. I think I want my 'shrines' to be all to my modern loves - FF14, indian films, spectacular books, Takarazuka, Gundam, Yakuza - with the more baked-in aesthetics of the site amalgamations of the past I want to re-remember.

Currently playing: Chrono Cross, Trails to Azure

Last Updated: July 12, 2003